Meet Kitty Davidson, MA

I believe in people and people are f****ing important! I’m just getting real here and getting real is when true change happens. People are multidimensional, and I specialize in helping people and organizations in multiple areas of their lives!

I’m not a think yourself into a better place kind of coach and trainer. I’m an clinically informed coach and I believe that you need to get real with yourself in order to really understand how your current thoughts and probably some unresolved things are impacting your current choices for a healthier more fulfilling life. This is not about some fad or treatment of the month; this is about offering you sustainable tools you can use for the rest of your life.

My integrative approach (the East meets West) to coaching and training, empowers individuals to uncover the roots of whatever is holding them back in order to perform at their highest levels.

My integrative and clinically informed approaches are time tested; some many centuries old, and research-based techniques. Some of the integrative techniques I use are: EMDR for anxiety, panic and performance issues. Energy Psychology that is based on the meridians in the body. Neuroscience and cognitive restructuring techniques to address mindset issues, negative thoughts, emotions, and choices and/or behaviors. Sound therapy enables individuals to release negative energy at a cellular level. Lastly, specialized yoga, meditation and discussions surrounding the energy centers in the body helps utilize both mind and body to understand, clear out the noise and empower individuals on a physical and mental level.

I enjoy sharing my experiences and knowledge of mental health, meditation, and integrative medicine techniques with my clients. I regard our relationship as very important and sacred to the process. My style is warm and interactive with a bit of humor and ninja like skill. I have been called the little buddha and ninja for my ability to sit with my clients as well as get to the heart of the issue skill and tact.

With that said, do you feel stuck in life, no energy?

Do you want to up your game so you can out perform your best performance?

Do you feel a sense of urgency in making changes that will last, but you currently don’t know exactly what to do?

Does your world feels small because of anxiety, panic or worry and you want so much more both personally and professionally?

If you don’t want to feel judged and want to maybe laugh a little too while going through the process, welcome to the unique journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment!


Live Long and Prosper

My Educational Journey

I have earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Services Management and a Master’s in Counseling. I am a LPC/Licensed Professional Counselor. I have completed trainings in EMDR/Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Levels I & II, Sound Therapy, Comprehensive Energy Psychology Level I, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Essentials, I-Rest Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, and T.R.Y/Trauma Recovery Yoga Teacher Training.

Currently, I am working towards earning a PhD in Integrative Medicine that is focused in Quantum Biology that combines energy psychology and the mind body connection. Honestly, this integrative medicine program brings together all the energy training, meditation, yoga and my personal belief systems together with a big fat bow on top! I couldn’t feel more confident in the knowledge that I am gaining in order to be more helpful to the people that I serve.

So let’s take the journey to health, wellness, and knowledge together!

I am looking forward to meeting and working with you.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.