Integrative Performance and Wellness Coaching

Are you a top performer, professional, athlete, or someone who is struggling in your zone of genius?

Do you question if you could be doing more if you didn’t struggle with the outside noise, anxiety, panic or burnout?

Do you feel like you have to keep quiet about how you feel due to being perceived as weak, vulnerable or an inability to do your job in your profession?

Or perhaps you’re struggling with Motivation and Performance issues…

What does it look like when performance issues show up?

  • You stop performing at your highest level.
  • You experience brain fog and indecision.
  • The low motivation, brain fog, feeling tired, and listlessness are affecting your leadership abilities and your team!
  • The worry about your performance can cause you lose track of time, not be present in conversation or meetings, and miss out on opportunities.
  • The worry can take away from your feelings of success, happiness, and joy.
  • The constant worry about not succeeding and failing has stopped you dead in your tracks.
  • Constant worry, dread, panic, and/or anxiety can make your world small and keep you from achieving your professional and personal goals.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Many of my clients have expressed if they hadn’t had the burden of these motivation and performance issues; they would’ve accomplished more earlier in life as well as right here and now!

No time like today to start to get your professional and/or personal goals back on track and tackle those motivation and performance issues that may be caused by anxiety and panic through the Integrative Performance and Wellness Coaching process.